Day, time, and place for regular team meetings: - UH142, Friday 11.15-1:25pm, weekly.
- Wednesday 4:10 - 5:15 occasionally
- Open Labs:
- Saturday
- Tuesday 5:30-7pm [preferred]
Preferred method of communication in order to inform each other of team meetings, announcement, updates, reminders, problems:
Email Thread
Google Drive
Decision-making policy:
We will require a consensus for decisions impacting long-term design.
We will require majority approval for decisions that need to be made quickly or that don’t have a significant impact.
Method for setting and following meeting agendas(Who will set each agenda? When? How will team members be notified/reminded? Who will be responsible for the team following the agenda during a team meeting? What will be done to keep the team on track during a meeting?):’
We will have the team leader set the agenda.
Send out information through a shared drive, and email before the meeting at least an hour before.
The leader is responsible for keeping the meeting on track. The leader will ask members to not speak about material that is not relevant to current bullet point on the agenda. If members want to discuss additional topics, at the end of the meeting, there will be time to discuss miscellaneous topics that were not addressed earlier.
Method of record keeping(Who will be responsible for recording & disseminating minutes? How & when will the minutes be disseminated? Where will all agendas & minutes be kept?):
The next person in team leader cycle will take the minutes for the meetings for the current cycle.
Keep and save minutes and agenda in the google drive in the minutes folder.
Team Expectations
Work Quality:
We will aim to meet the rubric guidelines or expectations to get an A on the assignment as a team. Individuals on the team have committed to standards ranging from B+ to an A+, and we have agreed that this could mean different amounts of work for those individuals.
Will ensure stable and reliable performance over high-risk high-reward design.
Project standards(What is a realistic level of quality for team presentations, collaborative writing, individual research, preparation of drafts, peer reviews, etc.?):
Have at least one person cross check each other’s work when done.
Make sure reports are complete at least one day before it is due.
We will use the day that it is due to correct minor errors and make finishing-touch improvements.
Strategies to fulfill these standards:
Leader of the week makes sure all assignments due are checked
Everyone should have the opportunity to learn what they want to learn.
We will insure one person does not dominate a given task if others also want to try it out.
Strategies to ensure cooperation and equal distribution of tasks:
Speak up when dissatisfied with work given or the current progress of the project rather than stop cooperating.
Should know what each person is doing so everyone knows if someone has too much work and can be changed for a better equal distribution.
Strategies for encouraging/including ideas from all team members (team maintenance):
Divide the agenda during the meetings.
Leader assigns different members of the group to lead discussions for each topic.
Strategies for keeping on task (task maintenance):
Keep track of the time limits.
If you notice other team members straying from the focus, refocus them.
Limit socializing and irrelevant discussions in team meetings
Preferences for leadership (informal, formal, individual, shared):
Prefer to have a formal leadership
The leader will have unambiguous roles such as agenda setting and ensuring information is distributed to team members.
No preference on individual or shared leadership.
Will leave it to the leader to choose how they want to lead the group.
Personal Accountability: Expected individual attendance, punctuality, and participation at all team meetings:
Should be punctual and present at the meetings and labs.
If there is a conflict, notify the team beforehand (not 5 min before, at least 1 hour before)
Expected level of responsibility for fulfilling team assignments, timelines, and deadlines:
Everyone is responsible for doing their work (should be done the day before deadline)
If a member is not on track to complete their task, they should speak up and ask for help with at least one day before the deadline
Expected level of communication with other team members:
Respond to polls/questions within one day.
Speak up when not satisfied with something.
Don’t work on something without communicating intentions and results to the group
Expected level of commitment to team decisions and tasks:
Be committed even if you don’t agree with it
Don’t just abandon, express your views if you are not content but still do the work assigned.
Consequences for Failing to Follow Procedures and Fulfill Expectations
Have it as a topic on the agenda at the meeting.
Internal guilt.
Describe, as a group, you would handle infractions of any of the obligations of this team contract:
Discuss with entire team at weekly meeting.
Describe what your team will do if the infractions continue:
Have another initial meeting and discuss the issue with instructors. If issues continue to be severe, we will remove the individual from the group.
Team Leadership
Every person on the team will have to take the role as a leader for at least two weeks. The role of the leader will be to organize meetings and make sure that everything is submitted in a timely manner. Please note here who will be responsible when: Week 1-4 (Start-up, Lab 1, Milestone 1):Peter Week 5-8 (Lab 2, Lab 3, Milestone 2): Lauren Week 9-12 (Lab 4, Milestone 3): Christine Week 13-16 (Milestone 4, competition, final report): Mark
Sign Below
a. I participated in formulating the standards, roles, and procedures as stated in this contract.
b.I understand that I am obligated to abide by these terms and conditions.
c.I understand that if I do not abide by these terms and conditions, I will suffer the consequences as stated in this contract. 1) Christine Ahn date 8/31/2018